There are multiple reasons people may Google benefits from plant-based diets; some may desire to have leaner bodies while others may desire to increase stamina and reduce their impact on the environment. However, whatever your reason to adopt a plant-based diet, we have given you even more examples why a plant-based diet can do more than support your main goal.

1. Improve Your Digestion

Plants are amazing because they’re naturally full of fibre and breakfast brands are very good at educating us on the importance of fibre in our diet. Fibre helps add bulk to your poop, while also helping regulate things and help everything eliminate smoothly.

One thing to keep in mind: if you’re new to this diet, go slow with your fibre intake. If you aren’t accustomed to eating a lot of fibre, it can actually do the opposite (prepare to spend a lot more time on the loo).

2. Chronic Disease Risk Reduced

People with diets that are full of meat, dairy and processed foods have a higher risk for chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

On the other-hand, people who follow a plant-based diet have reportedly lower cases of many common chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, some types of cancer (colorectal being one!). So if you’re concerned about chronic disease or they run in your family, , switching to a plant-based diet is definitely a good idea!

3. Naturally Boost Your Energy

Plants are super high in vitamins and minerals which are amazing for energy! They’re rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and protein, all of which are amazing for your brain and mood. Not only that but since plants are also easier to digest, which gives our body extra energy to spend. Plant-based foods are also amazing for performance. That’s why you’re seeing more and more professional athletes talk about being plant-based!

4. Maintain a Healthy Weight

The main reason for ‘Fad’ diets.

Have you ever spoken with fitness enthusiasts and wonder why they recommend you eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains to lose weight? They are more nutrient-dense than processed foods. But plant-based foods also have a lower calorie to volume ratio.

Basically, if you ate the same weight/volume of food and compared how much room it takes up in your stomach, plants would be significantly less. That means that you fill up more quickly on plant-based foods while eating fewer calories.

5. Support the Environment and adopt a sustainable diet

From the destruction of animal and plant habitats by deforestation to the worrying Environmental Protection Agency predictions about global warming, the problems facing our one and only earth are vast and varied.

But what if we told you there was a simple, actionable way to reduce our carbon footprint AND protect the earth for generations to come? Eating a diet high in plant-based deliciousness while reducing your consumption of animal products can counter these challenges, paving the way to a brighter, greener future for all life on earth.

At Military Health and Protein, our products are 100% Plant-Based, this is including our compostable packaging to help reduce our negative impact on the environment. We want your body, mind and our planet to be military fit and healthy.

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